There is a big cloud of Alcohol floating in space.

There is a lot of  alcohol available on Earth. But our space is too filled with a lot of alcohol. New and astonishing thing are discovered every time. As an unexpected discovery, 10 thousand light years far from the Earth in a constellation there is a massive cloud of alcohol.The name of the cloud is Sagittarius B2. The cloud is 390 light year broad in length. It is a weird to find alcohol in a place like space. 

                     The alcohol cloud was discovered in 1995 near a constellation named Aquila. The cloud is 1000 times larger than the diameter of our solar system. The total mass of sagittarius B2 is about 3 million times the mass of our sun. The cloud contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400 trillion trillion pints of beer or 800 trillion trillion of glass. To finish that much of alcohol every person on earth have to drink 300,000 pints (600,000 glass) of beer everyday for one billion years. It is impossible to drink 6 lakh glass of alcohol everyday for a single person.

                       A sad news for alcohol lovers, the alcohol is not suitable for drinking as it is cluster of 32 compounds. Some of the compounds such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia are present. The galaxy has a second cabinet of liquor in the Sagittarius B2 cloud which is filled with 10 billion billion billion liters of alcohol but most of it is undrinkable. 

                          The cloud mostly holds methanol. Talking  about their taste or smell, thee cloud contain ethyl formate, an easter that helps give raspberries their taste. It reportedly smells like rum.


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