
Are there more Stars in Milkyway Galaxy or more Trees on Earth?

The disparity between the abundance of trees on our planet and the sheer magnitude of stars in the Milky Way galaxy is truly remarkable. Although quantifying their precise numbers poses a daunting task, allow me to offer you a glimpse into their extraordinary dimensions. Determining the exact number of trees inhabiting our precious Earth proves to be an intricate challenge, owing to the remarkable diversity of tree species and the subjective definitional intricacies associated with identifying a tree. Nevertheless, experts have made their valiant attempt to approximate the grandeur of this arboreal realm, suggesting that our planet boasts a staggering multitude of approximately 3 trillion majestic, fully-grown trees. Contrarily, the resplendent Milky Way galaxy boasts an estimated magnitude of 100 to 400 billion celestial luminaries. This figure, grounded in our present scientific comprehension, serves as a modest approximation, potentially surpassing even greater astronomical boundari

Hottest temperature in the Universe ever measured.

Universe is a massive place where infinite things exist. When it comes to hot things it is filled with super hot components. Stars, galaxies, meteors, clouds and quasars. What if it is claimed that the hottest temperature ever recorded is nowhere else in the universe but itself on our Earth. Temperature was recorded Twelve feets below the Earth at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC). Where they smashed gold particles  together  and  the  temperature  reached  upto a  record  breaking  7.2  trillion  degree Fahrenheit(4 trillion degree Celsius). the temperature is 15 million degree hotter than the core of the sun. It is 40 times more hot than the supernova explosion of a dying star.                                    When the particles were smashed, for a split of second the temperature reached this record breaking speed. Physicist Steven Vigdor  "It is the hotter temperature than anything we know about in the universe " Theoretically speaking we can go beyond this temperature bu

There is a big cloud of Alcohol floating in space.

There is a lot of  alcohol available on Earth. But our space is too filled with a lot of alcohol. New and astonishing thing are discovered every time. As an unexpected discovery, 10 thousand light years far from the Earth in a constellation there is a massive cloud of alcohol.The name of the cloud is  Sagittarius B2.  The cloud is 390 light year broad in length. It is a weird to find alcohol in a place like space.                       The alcohol cloud was discovered in 1995 near a constellation named Aquila. The cloud is 1000 times larger than the diameter of our solar system. The total mass of sagittarius B2 is about 3 million times the mass of our sun . The cloud contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400 trillion trillion pints of beer or 800 trillion trillion of glass. To finish that much of alcohol every person on earth have to drink 300,000 pints (600,000 glass) of beer everyday for one billion years . It is impossible to drink 6 lakh glass of alcohol everyday for a single pers

Largest and the oldest water body ever found in the universe

About 71 percent of  Earth is covered with water which is a big amount. But talking about space and universe it is not a big deal. Two teams of astronomers have discovered the largest and the farthest  water reservoir ever detected in the universe. The water reservoir is equivalent to 140 trillion times of all the water in the Earth's ocean. However because most of the Milky Way's water is in the form of ice, the amount of water in the water body is 4,000 times more water than our milky way galaxy.The reservoir surrounds a huge feeding black hole more than 12 billion light year away. The water body is surrounds a quasar(quasi stellar radio source) powered by a black hole which steadily consumes a surrounding disk of dust and gas.                              Quasars are the most luminous, energetic and powerful known entities in space powered by a black hole which can emit 1,000 trillion times more energy than our sun and 65,000 times the energy of our milky way galaxy. Both

Volcanoes also cause lightning

Volcanic lightning Almost everyone of us must have heard about volcanoes and volcanic eruption, which we  can say is common in nature. Volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials from Earth's interior are thrown out of volcano. Dust, lava rocks and many other gases come out during eruption. All these things are almost known to us but an interesting thing about volcanic eruption is that in major eruptions lightning occurs around the volcano, referred as volcanic lightning.Till now we use to refer lightnings arise from thunderstorms but volcanoes also emit lightning.                              Volcanic lightning is the electrical discharge caused by a volcanic eruption. Volcanic lightning is caused due to the colliding particles of volcanic ash which generate static electricity within the volcanic plum (a cloud of superheated ash and tephra suspended in gas emitted during volcanic eruption ).                        Fractoemmision is the generation of charge through breaking up of r

The universe has echoes of its birth

universe  Our universe was born about 13.7 billion years ago in a massive expansion from nothing to everything. There are thermal imprints present of the Big Bang. These imprints clarify that we don't see any object older than 13.7 billion years .                                         Here echo is not referred to the sound which was heard after the explosion in the creation of the universe. In this context echo is actually referred to the "cosmic background radiation", electromagnetic radiations from the Big Bang which are present now everywhere.                         As the theory predicts early universe was a very hot place and with its expansion it is cooling down. When the universe was born it underwent an immense rapid inflation and expansion which released a radiation field, a field of extremely high temperature and pressure, beyond our imaginations. This leftover radiations and heat from the Big Bang is called Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). You cant see CMB

Light can take 1 lakh years from the core of the Sun to its surface.

Sunrise Light is the fastest thing  in the universe. The second fastest thing is  shadow. Light takes only 499 seconds or we can say 8  minutes 20 seconds from Sun's surface to earth, a distance called 1 astronomical unit. A bit convincing but what if the the light itself takes 100,000 years from the core of sun to its surface. Yes it's true, so it is also true that we receive sunlight which approx 10,000 to 170,000 years old.                                               The sun is 1.3927 million km far from us so why light takes a long time to  reach its surface. A simple reason is that the density of the core is incredibly high, 150 times greater than water. All the atoms are very tightly jammed. For example, a pair of  hydrogen atoms fuse together to create a helium atom and release a lot of energy in form of gamma rays. The rays can travel only few millimeters before the are absorbed by an atom and then re radiated. This process continues.