Hottest temperature in the Universe ever measured.

Universe is a massive place where infinite things exist. When it comes to hot things it is filled with super hot components. Stars, galaxies, meteors, clouds and quasars. What if it is claimed that the hottest temperature ever recorded is nowhere else in the universe but itself on our Earth. Temperature was recorded Twelve feets below the Earth at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC). Where they smashed gold particles  together  and  the  temperature  reached  upto a  record  breaking  7.2  trillion  degree Fahrenheit(4 trillion degree Celsius). the temperature is 15 million degree hotter than the core of the sun. It is 40 times more hot than the supernova explosion of a dying star.

                                   When the particles were smashed, for a split of second the temperature reached this record breaking speed. Physicist Steven Vigdor "It is the hotter temperature than anything we know about in the universe " Theoretically speaking we can go beyond this temperature but there is no practical evident. 
                                     In the above image is Large Hadron Collider(LHC) which is a the worlds largest and most powerful particle accelerator. LHC is a 27 kilometer long ring of superconductor magnets with accelerating structures to boost the energy of particle. Inside the collider 2 high energy beams travel at a speed close to light. Two beams travel in opposite direction in separate beam pipe. Both the beam pipes are kept at ultra high vacuum. These beams accelerate around the ring by strong magnetic  field maintained by strong superconducting electromagnets. The electromagnets are built from coil of special electric cables that work in superconducting state. Efficient in conducting electricity without resistance or loss of energy.  This is possible because it requires chilling magnets at -271degree Celsius. A temperature colder than outer space. The accelerator is connected to a system of liquid helium which cool the magnets. 


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